Archive for July, 2010

Impact Newspaper Scoops Everybody With First Story

By Ross Hunter The Community Impact local newspaper has scooped everybody (after of course) with the first media report of Tuesday’s council meeting. The story appears on their website here: We make no secret that we eagerly await the Williamson County Sun’s take on all this on Saturday, but credit where credit is […]

We Won

By Ross Hunter Well, friends, we went down to the council meeting, and we won a major success. We walked out of there with the greatest sense of triumph I’ve felt in several years. It was a historic night, a grand watershed event. It was a decisive battle in the campaign to restore Georgetown to open government. […]

Join Us for the Council Meeting July 13th

By Ross Hunter Council is tomorrow, about 24 hours away, and I’m inviting you to attend the session. If you haven’t read the weekend Sun you should pick up a copy anywhere you can and get an exhaustive overview of the numerous allegations made lately against our city attorney, along with comments from most of […]

Here Comes The Sun

Yes it’s a predictable headline, but it did feel sunny like the upbeat Beatles number on Saturday morning to pick up the weekend Williamson County Sun and read the start of 3 pages of coverage on our controversial city attorney. The Sun was back in the saddle, guns a’blazing! Council beat reporter Jamaal E. O’Neal […]