Archive for the Bulldog category

Here Comes The Sun

Yes it’s a predictable headline, but it did feel sunny like the upbeat Beatles number on Saturday morning to pick up the weekend Williamson County Sun and read the start of 3 pages of coverage on our controversial city attorney. The Sun was back in the saddle, guns a’blazing! Council beat reporter Jamaal E. O’Neal […]

Georgetown Starves For Truth, Feeds On Rumor

By Ross Hunter The Fourth Estate is a name that some people are still proud to be identified by, and I suspect that Ken Martin and his team of investigative journalists at the Austin Bulldog are such people. But I seriously doubt that Linda Scarbrough and Clark Thurmond, publishers of the Williamson County Sun, actually […]

Georgetown City Attorney Appears Incompetent

[Editor’s note. This story is reproduced under a Creative Commons license granted by its author, Ken Martin, of The Austin Bulldog. The story here is stripped of its original formatting, graphics, and links to its many sources – and the source materials are especially useful. Original links are NOT indicated here – and there are […]