Documents for Union on 8th Re-Zoning Applications

UPDATE: The P&Z meeting scheduled in December was postponed. It now comes forward on Tuesday, January 19, 2016. This is followed one week later by the city council first reading. The documents below have been updated.

Here are five documents:

  1. Neighborhood summary and outline of the situation.
  2. Neighborhood record of compliance and non-compliance to date with SUP conditions.
  3. Neighborhood list of differences between Current and proposed SUP requirements.
  4. Staff Report on Item I, the re-zoning request.
  5. Staff Report on Item J, the request to remove conditions of the SUP.

1. Neighborhood summary and outline of the situation


Download (PDF, 234KB)



2. Neighborhood record of compliance and non-compliance to date with SUP conditions


Download (PDF, 667KB)



3. Neighborhood list of differences between Current and proposed SUP requirements

NOTE: This is slightly out of date now. Line item 15 relates to the door that city staff previously agreed should remain closed. As you can see from the Coversheet for Item I at the city website, now staff is recommending removing all restrictions on this.

Download (PDF, 378KB)



4. Staff Report on Item J, the re-zoning request

Download (PDF, 123KB)



5. Staff Report on Item K, the request to remove conditions of the SUP

Download (PDF, 188KB)



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