Archive for September, 2006

Blight on the Square – Sign Ordinance in Danger

That’s right, on the very Square itself, City staff are preparing to destroy the last ten years of history and hard work, and they will do this by interpreting in a completely new way the set formula that calculates the maximum size of sign that a building can have. The formula allows approximately one square […]

Council Hears Bus Station Latest

City Council heard the current state of play of the Bus Station project yesterday evening – Tuesday September 12th – and our watchgroup attended the meeting to monitor events. Mr. Tom Yantis reports that CARTS has dropped the Holly Street location from its list of potential locations for the depot. The grant from TxDot to […]

Bus Station Presentation September 12

CARTS and the City, noting local opposition to the Holly Street Bus Station proposal, announced on August 2nd that they’re dropping the Holly Street site from consideration. The plan for a bus line remains, however, and City staff and CARTS representatives will make a presentation about the proposed station to the City Council on Tuesday, […]